Reddit Big Lawprivacy - How to break into data privacy law as a young lawyer that’s not a big law associate? As the question states, i don’t have any data privacy experience but i am. I'm a biglaw associate (class of 2009) in private equity m&a doing a reddit ama, mainly talking about student loans but happy to answer any questions you have about legal. A subreddit for the business and practice of law, catering to lawyers without the support network of a large firm, and **not** generally for legal analysis or substantive case discussion. Big law is terrible because you’re constantly sleep deprived and it’s not even for a good reason — it’s usually caused by sh*tty management that results in last minute deadlines. However, ib gives you far more exit opps if you don't like it, to the obvious pe/hf/vc plus corp dev, business school etc. Law is big law or bust in terms of comp. Not to mention many of us were not in a position to make big money before/without law school. Even with the deferred income & debt, big law really can even things out fast compared to. Here’s another round of unsolicited advice for what i wish i knew before law school: For most law students, biglaw hiring begins the summer after 1l. I work inhouse for a tech company. I would suggest just finding a legal role at a tech company. Big law refers to big law firms with generally more than 250 employees. These firms either negotiate and write contracts on behalf of their clients (which are corporations or extremely. Go for the root of the issue and prohibit the whole industry around data collection, tracking and sales. Once you started in big law, what were your best or biggest purchases (other than paying back loans)? Did you get to take vacations your first couple years in big law, and if so where did. Calling all privacy lawyers in biglaw: What is your day to day like? What is the work like?
How to break into data privacy law as a young lawyer that’s not a big law associate? As the question states, i don’t have any data privacy experience but i am. I'm a biglaw associate (class of 2009) in private equity m&a doing a reddit ama, mainly talking about student loans but happy to answer any questions you have about legal. A subreddit for the business and practice of law, catering to lawyers without the support network of a large firm, and **not** generally for legal analysis or substantive case discussion. Big law is terrible because you’re constantly sleep deprived and it’s not even for a good reason — it’s usually caused by sh*tty management that results in last minute deadlines. However, ib gives you far more exit opps if you don't like it, to the obvious pe/hf/vc plus corp dev, business school etc. Law is big law or bust in terms of comp. Not to mention many of us were not in a position to make big money before/without law school. Even with the deferred income & debt, big law really can even things out fast compared to. Here’s another round of unsolicited advice for what i wish i knew before law school: For most law students, biglaw hiring begins the summer after 1l. I work inhouse for a tech company. I would suggest just finding a legal role at a tech company. Big law refers to big law firms with generally more than 250 employees. These firms either negotiate and write contracts on behalf of their clients (which are corporations or extremely. Go for the root of the issue and prohibit the whole industry around data collection, tracking and sales.