Dropping Rakes Hand Sign - The hand sign is done by showing the rakes pointed up. Lebron james accused ‘dropping rakes,’ dissing chicago’s gd. After winning the title, the team celebrated before the trophies were handed out. Lebron james was seen. The rakes gang sign refers to a distinctive hand gesture used primarily within underground subcultures or secret societies called “the rakers. ” this sign consists of extending. No, droppin rakes is dropping the gangster disciples gang sign as a form of disrespect, cracking trays is where you hold up your pointer, middle and ring fingers and bend them as a sign of. Making a sign usually means “dropping a rake,” and james’ sign was seen as disrespectful to the gangster disciples in chicago. A rake is a lovely scoundrel. Lebron celebrated as expected, but others saw something completely different with his hand gestures during a night of celebration. A bunch of people took to twitter and accused. These individuals may drop the rakes as a sign of opposition to the gangster disciples (gd) or to show their affiliation with the bd or gdk. The rakes, in this context, refer. Dropping rakes (dipping rashes, slamming rashes) is a diss for the gangster disciples (gds). While gd rappers throw up rakes, their adversaries, who are part of the gdk. Dropping the rakes gang sign refers to a hand gesture associated with certain street gangs, particularly in chicago. These individuals may drop the rakes as a sign of opposition to the gangster disciples (gd) or to show their affiliation with the bd or gdk. The rakes, in this context, refer. Dropping rakes (dipping rashes, slamming rashes) is a diss for the gangster disciples (gds). While gd rappers throw up rakes, their adversaries, who are part of the gdk. Dropping the rakes gang sign refers to a hand gesture associated with certain street gangs, particularly in chicago. It involves extending the fingers of one hand. There is literally a pic where juice is next to bibby, even w polo and they all throwin up rakes. Also they dropped a dead rival member name in one of g herbos song. Like im sure you can. During the lakers’ championship celebration on sunday, lebron and dion waiters busted out a one finger handshake that is similar to a gang sign diss called “dropping rakes”. There is also a hand sign that is formed with the pointer finger, thumb, and middle finger to represent a rake that can be thrown down ( upside down) to diss them. A diss directed towards.
The hand sign is done by showing the rakes pointed up. Lebron james accused ‘dropping rakes,’ dissing chicago’s gd. After winning the title, the team celebrated before the trophies were handed out. Lebron james was seen. The rakes gang sign refers to a distinctive hand gesture used primarily within underground subcultures or secret societies called “the rakers. ” this sign consists of extending. No, droppin rakes is dropping the gangster disciples gang sign as a form of disrespect, cracking trays is where you hold up your pointer, middle and ring fingers and bend them as a sign of. Making a sign usually means “dropping a rake,” and james’ sign was seen as disrespectful to the gangster disciples in chicago. A rake is a lovely scoundrel. Lebron celebrated as expected, but others saw something completely different with his hand gestures during a night of celebration. A bunch of people took to twitter and accused. These individuals may drop the rakes as a sign of opposition to the gangster disciples (gd) or to show their affiliation with the bd or gdk. The rakes, in this context, refer. Dropping rakes (dipping rashes, slamming rashes) is a diss for the gangster disciples (gds). While gd rappers throw up rakes, their adversaries, who are part of the gdk. Dropping the rakes gang sign refers to a hand gesture associated with certain street gangs, particularly in chicago.