Anthem Healthkeepers Benefits Prepaid Card - Follow these steps to use. The anthem benefits prepaid card, also known as the flex card, provides a convenient way to access and utilize various plan benefits. It can be used to cover expenses related to dental,. With your benefits prepaid card, you can purchase eligible items across all of your spending allowance benefits. This is in addition to the healthcare benefits you have as part of your plan. Obtaining the anthem benefits. With your benefits prepaid card, you can purchase eligible items across all of your spending allowance benefits. This is in addition to the healthcare benefits you have as part of your plan. What is a flex card? A flex card such as the anthem benefits prepaid card gives you convenient access to benefits your anthem medicare advantage plan provides. It works just like a prepaid. You can use your beneits prepaid card to buy eligible otc products at thousands of participating stores. โข go to mybeneits. nationsbeneits. com to ind a participating store near you. Find out what products are eligible, where to shop, and how to access your otc. The anthem benefits prepaid card is a convenient tool for purchasing healthy groceries while managing your healthcare and wellness expenses. Follow these steps to use. The anthem benefits prepaid card, also known as the flex card, provides a convenient way to access and utilize various plan benefits. It can be used to cover expenses related to dental,. With your benefits prepaid card, you can purchase eligible items across all of your spending allowance benefits. This is in addition to the healthcare benefits you have as part of your plan.
Follow these steps to use. The anthem benefits prepaid card, also known as the flex card, provides a convenient way to access and utilize various plan benefits. It can be used to cover expenses related to dental,. With your benefits prepaid card, you can purchase eligible items across all of your spending allowance benefits. This is in addition to the healthcare benefits you have as part of your plan.